quinta-feira, 20 de maio de 2010

Skate in LIIBRA

Skate in Liibra

In the championship of street basketball (Liibra), directed by Cufa - Cetral Federation of Favelas - happened more skate in a league format of "Game of Skate", ie, athletes competed in doubles (maneuvers on the floor) until the exit First, for disposal. 16 were entered in the competition and, at the time of enrollment, all led stickers and keychains. The dispute was one against one, with 8 batteries, divided as follows:

1Caio Rodrigues X Jeferson Maranhão

2 Nicolas Raphael X Jonatan "Mentex"

3 Daniel Silva "Pan" X Gustavo Moura

4 Welington "Jonzinho" X Taiamã Oiveira

5 X Gabriel Moreira Rafael "Cookie"

6 Raphael Basra X Vitor Hugo

7 X Vinicius Machado Fabio Costa

8 X Renan Alcantara Raphael "Gringuinho"

Final: Rafael "Cookie" X Jonatan "Mentex" Where is Rafael "Cookie" came out on top, winning a tennis court and, thus ending the game on Saturday.

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